This course was created for you...

  • Maybe you are not satisfied with the current state of your life, and you wonder what more there is. You find yourself in constant cycles of fear, disappointment, and rejection. You consume a lot of self-help books looking for answers for the unexplainable void you feel in your heart.

  • Or, maybe you feel stuck with your faith and you wonder if God really cares about you. You pray occasionally but it feels like no one is there for you and you struggle to hear His voice. If this resonates with you then you are in the right place.

  • Perhaps you want to be close to Jesus, but you can’t seem to get there. You read the Bible, go to church, and listen to those close to Him, yet that is not what is happening to you. It might be that you just need a refreshing encounter with Jesus.

Here’s the key…

The reason why you are feeling stuck is that you haven’t found a way to unlock the chains holding you back. Feeling stuck is only the effect of a deeper cause. When you learn the truth about your God-given identity, how to heal your wounding, and to connect and be closer to God, you will be able to experience the life that God has for you, stepping into your purpose and destiny.

Here’s What You Will Learn In Unlock

You can do this course at your own pace wherever you are. The only thing we would recommend is that when it comes to the ministry times you find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed

  • Module 1: Learn the truth about your identity in Christ and how this will affect your life.

  • Module 2: Understand why your true identity is not your reality and how to make it so.

  • Module 3: Learn what sin is and how it impacts your life so that you can access your inheritance in Christ.

  • Module 4: Understand the patterns of behaviour that run down your family line, and how they link to your current situation.

  • Module 5: Learn how to identify and shut down occult-related access in your life.

  • Module 6: Consider how your early childhood can have an impact on you so that you can heal.

  • Module 7: Learn the power of forgiveness and how it plays a big role in our ability to live free.

  • Module 8: Learn how God brings redemption to your pain

  • Module 9: Discover how to become confident in your ability to hear God.

  • Module 10: Learn how to use the Unlock tools in your life

Watch the first talk free!

Bonus Material

We'd love to equip you with the right tools.

  • Bonus #1:

    Ministry Sessions

    Receive 10 self-paced Ministry Sessions so that you can apply the Unlock principles in your own everyday life.

  • Bonus #2

    The Unlock Workbook

    Get the Unlock Workbook, with scriptures and note sections for each module, so that you can record all your insights.

Watch the first ministry sessions free!

Discover What Others Are Saying About Unlock

“I’m so excited about Unlock! This new course helps us to simply unpack the everyday pains and challenges that we all face. God longs to bring perspective and I know Unlock will bring freedom to masses. I can’t wait to do it myself. It is much needed and I will recommend it to many.  ”

Julia Strachan - Author, World record Atlantic rower and Anti-Slavery campaigner

“The Live Free Foundation course, Unlock, opened my eyes to how God wants to encounter everyone in a more tangible way, gently healing and knitting back together his truths over our lives.   I was empowered to lean into and be swept away with my prayers, confidently believing they are effective and they are heard.     Most importantly the course showed me how God really does speak through me and others directly. Now, without hesitation, if I hear a word for someone I am not afraid to share it with them”

Lizzie Jones

“I did the unlock course back in November of last year.  It was fantastic material and a lovely group, but even more importantly, it had life-changing consequences in a wonderful way.  I had done many freedom type sessions over the past 20 years, but this was the first time that I wanted to actually learn how to give rather than just receive.   ”

James Fulford

“Joining the Unlock Course is life-changing! The heart of Live Free Foundation is beautiful as it equips us to live free from lies, and to partner with truths about who God is and who we are in Him. Most importantly, the course teaches us to taste a greater intimacy with the Lord that impacts all areas of our lives.  ”

Alis Tang 

“Live Free encounters have been a game-changer for many Christians I know.  For myself, I found healing took place of hurt memories that occurred in my childhood and II had forgotten about.  It gave me a new freedom in the way I dealt with my current family relationships.  Even if you do not think you need this ministry, you will definitely benefit. If nothing else you will experience a deeper understanding of God's healing love for you personally.”

Maggie Colvin 

“The Unlock Course provided a tremendous release for most people and deliverance for others attending the course and a person I had invited from our previous church, it brought TOTAL REVELATION and FREEDOM to her Life. I could see a real outpouring of the Holy Spirit amongst most people attending it, the whole day. ”

Arnold Pollitt

“I love the practical application and the freedom and breakthroughs that I have experienced in Live Free Foundation and seeing it work for other people too.  The teachings have given me practical tools and an equipping to effectively deal with issues that come up in my own life and help others too.   Most of all I love the encounters with God. There is nothing like it! They have brought me into a greater level of freedom and deeper intimacy with God.  ”

Helen Chen

“Freedom from oppression, feeling God’s love, and hearing His voice are all things that the Unlock course is designed to help participants experience. Susan Partridge has a long track record of success in this area, using her gifting to help thousands find freedom and a new lease of spiritual life.   If you’re thinking of doing this course, my advice would be to sign up as soon as you can. You might just find that your walk with God is transformed for the better as a result. ”

Rev. Chris Lions 

“I love the way God is able to bring blessing out of difficult situations and that has been the case with the launch of the new online course ‘Unlock’, the first in a new series from the Live Free Foundation.  What could be better than to be unlocked and enabled to live free! The online format is so accessible and with Susan leading I know what a blessing it will be as she caries the heart of God. ”

Sr. Pastor David Dyer

Get Instant Access to Unlock

Purchase the Course for £39

Unlock Will Show You The Way..

Imagine knowing with utter confidence that your life has meaning, and that the Lord is with you. Imagine being able to let go of your past and find intimacy with God. Having a life full of joy and connection, with powerful relationships that allow you to love sincerely and feel loved by others. There is another way…

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long will I have access to the course? -

    You will have access to the content of the Unlock course for 12 months from the date you buy it.

  • Who is this course for exactly?

    Who is this course for exactly? -This course is for anyone wanting to draw closer to God. Even if you just need a refreshing touch from Jesus, this will help you. For those struggling in life, finding you are hitting a wall, or seeing repeatedly tricky situations arise in your life - we believe you will discover freedom and breakthrough as you go through this course.

  • Will this work for me?

    We don’t guarantee anything but so far we have not seen one person that has not been profoundly blessed by this course.

  • I'd love to donate to Live Free Foundation, how can I do so?

    We appreciate your donation. You can contribute by visiting

  • I'm not a Christian is this course for me?

    If you are not a Christian The best course to do first would be the Alpha Course as this lays great foundations for all that we teach - After that, all that Unlock, will become easier for you to understand

  • I'm pressed for time can I still buy this course?

    No problem. The joy of this course is that it is done in your own time. You can follow it as your time allows.

  • Can we have a refund if we don’t like it?

    No, we don’t offer refunds.

  • I have some questions, can I speak to anyone?

    We have a very easy way for you to do that via this link and we are so grateful for any help you can give us.

  • Could you come to my Church and speak about Unlock?

    We would love to do that - simply connect with us via this link and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible -

About Your Host

Susan Partridge | Co-founder and CEO, Live Free Foundation

For the last 20 years Susan has travelled extensively to bring freedom and healing to the Body of Christ. Her desire is to see hearts healed, families restored and for people to step into their destiny. Happily married for 39 years to Frank, she has three daughters.