This course was created for you...

  • Maybe you have wondered why you struggle in life and are failing to see breakthrough in many areas. You have prayed and fasted but still life is hard.

  • Or, maybe you feel unable to go deeper in your relationships, not only with people but with God too. If this resonates with you then you are in the right place. 

  • Perhaps you have been deeply hurt or have experienced a lifechanging trauma and find you can no longer trust people or relationships. Or you simply want to increase your ability to hear and see God. This might be just the course that will unlock those past hurts drawing you into a fresh encounter with Jesus.

Here’s the key…

The reason why you may be struggling is that there are influences from your family line that might be holding you back. Maybe someone has spoken powerful words over you and you just need setting free. Maybe you have erected barriers around you that keep people from connecting with you or you are suffering from a deep trauma. Hearing God’s voice, encountering Him will bring you so much freedom, intimacy, and hope. You will connect with the purpose that God wrote on your heart and your destiny will come alive to you.

What you'll learn on Deeper

You can do this course at your own pace wherever you are. The only thing we would recommend is that when it comes to the ministry times you find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed

  • Module 1: Discover your invitation into a journey as the Bride of Christ. This journey was reflected in the steps of the ancient Jewish Wedding and will release a passion to know Jesus as your Bridegroom King.

  • Module 2: Connect with the richness of God’s inheritance for you

  • Module 3: Blessings are words spoken by God or by people which carry spiritual power to bring about the good contained within the words.

  • Module 4: Learn the power of curses to affect our lives and learn to be free of them 

  • Module 5: Consider whether you are being affected by a generational curse of sickness

  • Module 6: Discover how to be free from trauma

  • Module 7: Learn about unhealthy barriers we subconsciously erect to keep ourselves safe when they actually keep us disconnected and isolated 

  • Module 8: Develop your ability to hear God’s voice

  • Module 9 & 10: Discover God’s purpose for our imagination as a place of revelation and whether you are a seer

  • Module 11: Learn the power of thanksgiving

Bonus: Reflective and personal Ministry Sessions

Included in your Deeper Course you can enjoy:

  • Bonus #1:

    Ministry Sessions

    Receive 7 self-paced Ministry Sessions so that you can apply the Deeper principles in your own everyday life.

  • Bonus #2

    The Deeper Workbook

    Get the Deeper Workbook, with scriptures and note sections for each module, so that you can record all your insights.

What others are saying about the Deeper Course

Don't take our word for it, discover the ways in which Deeper has ministered and restored others...

“There's a lot of subjects that are taught on the Deeper course, that are not taught in Churches, and that a lot of people don't know about. So for me it's been reaffirming and a real refresher. It's been great to be around like minded people that have a heart for God and that want to see freedom for people in Christ particularly.”

Sue Mckelvie, Psychotherapist

“The Deeper Course is about being drawn closer into God's love; discovering more of who He is and discovering who we are in him. It's about lies falling to the ground and his truths in us being revealed. And that is attractive it's called God's Kingdom on earth. ”

Alis Tang, Teacher

“One of the things I do now which I didn't do before the Deeper Course, is I monitor my emotions a lot more. I feel what's going on in my heart, whereas in the past I wasn't as connected to my emotions. And when something comes up, I pick it up and use some of the tools that we've been taught to address them. And this brings a lot more peace, and a lot more calmness. I'm not so triggered anymore, or if I am I can get back to a place of peace much more quickly. And that's been one of the biggest impacts in my life from the course.. ”

Selorm Klaye, Management Consultant

“What impacted me was the understanding that within my daily connection with the Lord there is still healing to be done and I need to remember He is going to do that, and is doing and I have to have the trust in that I am worthy of that healing too. ”

Ramni Kortman-Bedi

Go Deeper Today!

Purchase your full Deeper course and begin your journey to refresh, deepen and grow in closer relationship with your maker.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long will I have access to the course? -

    You will have access to the content of the Unlock course for 12 months from the date you buy it.

  • Who is this course for exactly?

    Who is this course for exactly? This course is for anyone wanting to draw closer to God. Even if you just need a refreshing touch from Jesus, this will help you. For those struggling in life, finding you are hitting a wall, or seeing repeatedly tricky situations arise in your life - we believe you will discover freedom and breakthrough as you go through this course.

  • Will this work for me?

    We don’t guarantee anything but so far we have not seen one person that has not been profoundly blessed by this course.

  • I'd love to donate to Live Free Foundation, how can I do so?

    We appreciate your donation. You can contribute by visiting

  • I'm not a Christian is this course for me?

    If you are not a Christian The best course to do first would be the Alpha Course as this lays great foundations for all that we teach -

  • I'm pressed for time can I still buy this course?

    No problem. The joy of this course is that it is done in your own time, without limitations.

  • Can we have a refund if we don’t like it?

    No, we don’t offer refunds.

  • I have some questions, can I speak to anyone?

    We have a very easy way for you to do that via this link:

  • Could you come to my Church and speak about Deeper?

    We would love to do that - simply connect with us via this link and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible:

Meet your Host

Susan Partridge | Co-founder and CEO, Live Free Foundation

For the last 20 years Susan has travelled extensively to bring freedom and healing to the Body of Christ. Her desire is to see hearts healed, families restored and for people to step into their destiny. Happily married for 39 years to Frank, she has three daughters.